Gitea Basics

Table of Contents


We present a basic guide for Gitea, a forge software package for hosting software development version control using Git as well as other collaborative features like bug tracking, code review, continuous integration, kanban boards, tickets, and wikis.

ThreeFold hosts its own git server on Gitea OurWorld. We will be using OurWorld's Gitea instance for this guide.


You should have git installed on your computer to work easily with Gitea. It is not necessary to use Gitea but recommended to work with files.

  • Install git
    • Optional, to update repositories from your local computer
  • Install VSCodium
    • Optional, to edit your files
  • Install OpenSSH
    • Optional, to use SSH


  • Go to the main gitea URL, e.g.
  • On the top right click on Register
  • Set your credentials
    • Enter a Username
    • Enter your Email Address
    • Enter and confirm a Password
  • Click on Register Account

Sign In

  • Go to the main Gitea URL, e.g.
  • On the top right click on Sign In
  • Set your credentials
    • Enter your Username or your Email Address
    • Enter your Password
  • Click on Sign In

Set an SSH Key Pair

  • Generate an SSH key pair. You can leave default option ~/.ssh/
  • Note the public key
cat ~/.ssh/

  • Optional: on, verify the key. Make sure to put the proper token.
echo -n 'token' | ssh-keygen -Y sign -n gitea -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Start the SSH Agent

  • Start the ssh agent
eval $(ssh-agent)
  • Add private key to the agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/

Clone a Repository

  • Clone a repository and change directory
git clone <repository_url>
cd <repository_url>

Create and Push a New Branch

On the Browser and Git

  • On the repo of the Gitea instance, click on the ̀Branch icon (e.g. development)
  • Write a branch name with the development_branch_name convention
  • Click Create branch

git checkout development
git fetch
git pull
  • Make changes in the files
  • When changes are done, make a new branch, add the new files, commit and push to the remote server
git add .
git commit -m "Commit message for new branch"
git push

Only With Git

  • Start by working on the latest development release
git checkout development
git fetch
git pull
  • Make changes in the files
  • When changes are done, make a new branch, add the new files, commit and push to the remote server
git checkout -b development_new_branch
git add .
git commit -m "Commit message for new branch"
git push --set-upstream origin development_new_branch

Create a Pull Request

  • Go to the repo of the Gitea instance
  • Click on Pull Request then New Pull Request

  • Choose the branch you want to merge into development for pull from then click New Pull Request
    • At ThreeFold, we protect the master/main and development branches and always make Pull Request from development_branch_name to development

  • On the next page, choose a Title and a Description, then click Create Pull Request
    • Usually, we write at least any related issue and a brief description of the work done

  • At any time you can close your own Pull Request

Create a Draft Pull Request

To create a draft pull request, you simply need to add WIP: before the title of your pull request. This will set the pull request in Draft mode.

  • Example of a draft pull request:
WIP: New Pull Request in Draft Mode

Useful Commands

  • See current branch
git branch
  • See all branches locally
git branch -r
  • See the git status
git status

Gitea References

There are great Gitea references available online.

Last change: 2024-07-16