Terraform Web Gateway With VM

Table of Contents


In this section, we provide the basic information for a VM web gateway using Terraform on the TFGrid.

Expose with Prefix

A complete list of gateway name workload parameters can be found here.

 terraform {
  required_providers {
    grid = {
      source = "threefoldtech/grid"

provider "grid" {

# this data source is used to break circular dependency in cases similar to the following:
# vm: needs to know the domain in its init script
# gateway_name: needs the ip of the vm to use as backend.
# - the fqdn can be computed from grid_gateway_domain for the vm
# - the backend can reference the vm ip directly
data "grid_gateway_domain" "domain" {
  node = 7
  name = "ashraf"
resource "grid_network" "net1" {
    nodes = [8]
    ip_range = ""
    name = "network"
    description = "newer network"
    add_wg_access = true
resource "grid_deployment" "d1" {
  node = 8
  network_name = grid_network.net1.name
  ip_range = lookup(grid_network.net1.nodes_ip_range, 8, "")
  vms {
    name = "vm1"
    flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-apps/strm-helloworld-http-latest.flist"
    cpu = 2
    publicip = true
    memory = 1024
    env_vars = {
      SSH_KEY = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDTwULSsUubOq3VPWL6cdrDvexDmjfznGydFPyaNcn7gAL9lRxwFbCDPMj7MbhNSpxxHV2+/iJPQOTVJu4oc1N7bPP3gBCnF51rPrhTpGCt5pBbTzeyNweanhedkKDsCO2mIEh/92Od5Hg512dX4j7Zw6ipRWYSaepapfyoRnNSriW/s3DH/uewezVtL5EuypMdfNngV/u2KZYWoeiwhrY/yEUykQVUwDysW/xUJNP5o+KSTAvNSJatr3FbuCFuCjBSvageOLHePTeUwu6qjqe+Xs4piF1ByO/6cOJ8bt5Vcx0bAtI8/MPApplUU/JWevsPNApvnA/ntffI+u8DCwgP ashraf@thinkpad"
    planetary = true
resource "grid_name_proxy" "p1" {
  node = 7
  name = "ashraf"
  backends = [format("http://%s", split("/", grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].computedip)[0])]
  tls_passthrough = false
output "fqdn" {
    value = data.grid_gateway_domain.domain.fqdn
output "node1_zmachine1_ip" {
    value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ip
output "public_ip" {
    value = split("/",grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].computedip)[0]

output "planetary_ip" {
    value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].planetary_ip

please note to use grid_name_proxy you should choose a node that has public config and has a domain in its public config like node 7 in the following example


  • we created a grid domain resource ashraf to be deployed on gateway node 7 to end up with a domain ashraf.ghent01.devnet.grid.tf
  • we create a proxy for the gateway to send the traffic coming to ashraf.ghent01.devnet.grid.tf to the vm as a backend, we say tls_passthrough is false to let the gateway terminate the traffic, if you replcae it with true your backend service needs to be able to do the TLS termination

Expose with Full Domain

A complete list of gateway fqdn workload parameters can be found here.

it is more like the above example the only difference is you need to create an A record on your name provider for remote.omar.grid.tf to gateway node 7 IPv4.

resource "grid_fqdn_proxy" "p1" {
  node = 7
  name = "workloadname"
  fqdn = "remote.omar.grid.tf"
  backends = [format("http://%s", split("/", grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].computedip)[0])]
  tls_passthrough = true

output "fqdn" {
    value = grid_fqdn_proxy.p1.fqdn

Using Gateway Name on Private Networks (WireGuard)

It is possible to create a vm with private ip (wireguard) and use it as a backend for a gateway contract. this is done as the following

  • Create a gateway domain data source. this data source will construct the full domain so we can use it afterwards
data "grid_gateway_domain" "domain" {
  node = grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"]
  name = "examp123456"
  • create a network resource
resource "grid_network" "net1" {
  nodes       = [grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"]]
  ip>_range    = ""
  name        = mynet
  description = "newer network"
  • Create a vm to host your service
resource "grid_deployment" "d1" {
  name         = vm1
  node         = grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"]
  network_name = grid_network.net1.name
  vms {
  • Create a grid_name_proxy resource using the network created above and the wireguard ip of the vm that host the service. Also consider changing the port to the correct port
resource "grid_name_proxy" "p1" {
  node            = grid_scheduler.sched.nodes["node1"]
  name            = "examp123456"
  backends        = [format("http://%s:9000", grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ip)]
  network         = grid_network.net1.name
  tls_passthrough = false
  • To know the full domain created using the data source above you can show it via
output "fqdn" {
  value = data.grid_gateway_domain.domain.fqdn
  • Now vist the domain you should be able to reach your service hosted on the vm
Last change: 2024-05-20